Monday, April 22, 2019

Creative Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Creative Writing - Essay ExampleThe japery depended a great deal on the baron of the audience to get the joke as laugh from the audience was always a sign during stage executions that the play was cosmos well received. This element of out-of-door interaction was incorporated into the sit-com, but with the added benefit of being able to record the show first and wherefore air it later. Thus, unexpected reactions from the audience could be cut out, errors in performance could be tried again and prompts for audience reaction werent as obvious. By combining these two approaches, the sit-com still principal(prenominal)tains the illusion of being a live event in spite of the great degree of editing and production involved. This ability to edit and change has also introduced more meaning into the shows produced. Just as the comedies of stage and radio were reflections of their society, so have the sit-coms of the past several decades reflected the society that produce them but with the greater realization of preservation of performance and significance to audiences. In many ways, the sit-com of today has not changed a great deal in its geomorphological format even as its reflection of society has altered and the level of meaning presented has deepened with greater pinch of the principles at work. Before one can look at individual sit-coms to see if they hold up to a common definition, it is helpful to have a definition and idea of development in place. in general sit-coms, or situation comedies, are defined as a form of comedy that presents episodes of recurring characters as they interact within a common environment, facing some sort of complication and resolving it at the end with some form of able ending. The sit-com has developed from a long history of stage performances think to entertain the masses by featuring stories they were able to relate with while also poking gentle sportsman at the lifestyles of the wealthy. According to Lewisohn, precurso rs of the sitcom have existed since the times of ancient Greece in the plays of Aristophanes, ancient Rome through Terence and Plautus and Sudraka in ancient India (2003). Generally speaking, sitcoms have several elements in common with one some other that have been carried forward from these earlier plays, into the modern world through the early sitcoms such as I Love Lucy and preserved through to the present day with shows such as Married with Children and Friends. The first such element is the focus on comedy or entertainment. Every sitcom relies heavily on the base building blocks of comedy including some, if not all, of the following slapstick, satire, sarcasm, irony, pranks, sight gags, parody, comedy of errors, black comedy, romantic comedy, scatological card or comedy of manners among other things. In keeping with this focus, sitcoms always end with a happy ending, or at least a resolution that returns everything back to the normal situation for this group of deal whic h has the effect of being humorous to the audience. Sitcoms generally focus on a limited number of main characters who reappear week after week within the same general environment generally its a family or a family-like group as they appear in their most accustomed sustainment space. Although facing different issues each week, even the basic action from week to week is highly repetitive.

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